Weaving Textile-form Interfaces
I am very excited to present the research I have been working on together with Holly McQuillan, Milou Voorwinden and Elvin Karana.
What is a Woven Textile-form Interface?
A woven textile-form is a form that is constructed simultaneously as the textile is woven (McQuillan, 2020). Interfaces designed with this approach hold undisclosed potential for rich interactions. However, the design of woven textile-form interfaces requires specialised tacit knowledge, which is limited even in craft and practice spaces; and it is therefore inaccessible to HCI designers.
To bridge this gap, in this gap, we present the material-driven journey of a multidisciplinary team to design a woven textile-form interface (which we call Deployable Interface) using various techniques such as paper models and diagrams to design for multi-layer weaving.
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Read the pictorial
You can access the pre-print by clicking here below. It will be published in July 2023.
10-14th July 2023
I will present the Pictorial with the “Weaving Textile-form Interfaces: A Material-Driven Design Journey” at the DIS’23 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA (USA).